Corporate Social Investment

Action speaks louder than works with regards to sustainability: and Inyatsi recognizes our responsibility to the greater community within which we operate; and our duty to enable the well-being of future generations. To this end, Inyatsi looks beyond the minimum Corporate Social Responsibility and seeks to align with UNDP Sustainable Development Goals through our intergrated wellness & talent Development Programs, in partnership with governments and NGO agencies. As our world grows smaller, Inclusivity and Diversity become all the more important, within our home territory or new markets where we proactively engage with local partners in strategic relationships to enhance value to all parties.

In numbers, Inyatsi invests in the region of 2.5% of their profit in community upliftment projects, focusing on the most vulnerable and exposed segments of society within our area of activity. Projects need to be motivated and championed by our local staff, so the impact remains long after the construction project is finished.