We all aware that, we are now living in the most difficult days humans of this generations have ever seen, the era of covid-19 virus. Since the outbreak of corona virus in the country in February 2020, which saw almost all companies in the country being affected, and others ran the risk of shutting down, Inyatsi Group of companies, took the initiative to work hand in hand with Government and WHO, and emphasize amongst employees, to follow all precautions and guidelines, set to prevent the spread of the virus.

Preventative Measures

The Group provided at least 2 cloth masks to all employees, and emphasizes that:
– Employees use face masks always when in public areas including at work place,
– Wash hands, often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after being in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing as well as after handling your mask and using restroom,
– The company provides clean water and soap, containers which are placed in around the areas where employees work,
– If soap and water are not readily available, the company provides a hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol, as approved by WHO.

Hygiene Measures

Daily cleaning and disinfecting of: working tools, office furniture/premises and other is encouraged to minimize the spread of covid19 virus. In addition, we monitor employees temperatures, throughout all our point of entries , including the transport used by employees on a daily basis.

Precaution Measures

If someone has tested positive for covid-19, contact tracing is done and if need be, those have been found to be most likely to have been contracted the virus, are sent for tests at companies cost. We also disinfect frequently touched surfaces using disinfectant approved products.

Monitor Your Heath Daily

  • Employees are alerted to watch for symptoms of Covid-19, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and other, as advised by WHO guidelines.

In response to Governments call on covid-19 vaccine administering, the Group Wellness Office, in collaboration with SWABCHA, Ministry of Health and Business eSwatini, facilitated that employees receive their jabs from their work stations. That is an ongoing exercise, with the hope that we will at the end be able to have all our employees been vaccinated. Before vaccination, employees are sensitized on the myths and negative information being circulated on social medias about the vaccine, causing them to be reluctant to participate on the vaccine rollout. They are made aware of the importance for everyone to receive the jab(s), which is basically to reduce the risk of developing complicated symptoms, which might result into death. The Group is dedicated and will continue to support in the fight against covid-19 and other, by collaborating with all stakeholders in the front line, and abide by all guidelines & follow all precautions as advised. United we can and we will win the fight against covid-19.